Monday, November 25, 2013

Senate committee approves Yellen nomination


Janet Yellen moved one step closer to becoming the next chair of the Federal Reserve, after the Senate Banking Committee voted to move her nomination forward for a full Senate vote, Thursday.

The committee voted 14-8 to send Yellen's nomination on for consideration before the full Senate. That vote on the Senate floor has not yet been scheduled, but is expected to occur in early December.
Three Republicans joined Democrats on the committee in voting in favor of Yellen: Bob Corker of Tennessee, Mark Kirk of Illinois and Tom Coburn of Oklahoma.
Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia was the only Democrat to vote against her nomination.
President Obama nominated Yellen to serve as chairwoman of the Federal Reserve after Ben Bernanke's term expires January 31. Despite objections from a few Republicans, she is widely expected to be confirmed for the position.

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